Full Sponsored Search Engine

marți, 22 decembrie 2009


Hello World!

What do you think about building a Full Sponsored Search Engine?WHy?

Because there are so many free websites, so many free/organic search engines.We want to push the borders a little bit. We started in 2009 a FULL SPONSORED SEARCH ENGINE!

How it works?

For many of you, who are tired of creating a website that won't make a dime, unless you place some PPC ads on them, our ideea is yet simple but revolutionary. Because we want to sell Keywords for advertising, Keywords for information starting as low as 1$/character/year. But when you buy those Keywords, you get FREE TEXT ADS for at least 1 year. These Ads appear randomly or filtered on the Websites Profile that already signed into our system but also on almost all of these stand-alone websites too. So our Keywords-Text-Ads Network is groing and expanding.

What do You get?

You get 1 year a Fixed Rank Position on the Historical Ranking of this Search Engine and you can simply understand why others (if there are more Keyword Owners for same search term) are in front of you on the Importance Ranking. The Importance Ranking matters, more from a quality score of the keywords density and keyword occurance of the submitted website point of view, but also matters from the point of view of the Link's Popularity in percents of the Internet and we try to index the whole Internet in the next 1-2 years. Our system reads the links pointing to a website, reads the Anchor Text and we are calculating a percentage and coverage, called IPercentage and ICoverage(I from Internet), meaning that a link appears as a percent of the total number of links of the Internet. Also a Keyword can be a link from a total number of possible links of the Internet. The process of Calculating the Importance Rank and the idea of a Full Sponsored Search Engine are patented so don't try to copy or reproduce. We are not starting another MillionDollarHomePage here, the concept is original and should be respected and protected, although still a prototype.

Another reason to join our system is our Pay-Per-Sale Monetizing Solution for your website. If you become a Keyword Owner You get a personalized Text-Ad-Code to insert into your webpage and every time a visitor clicks on that Ad and buys keywords you get 30% of the price he pays! It's a win-win-win system!

Our Motivation?

Creating a Clean Search Engine for a world of Clean Information and Advertising!

Macoway.com system= Interactive Search Engine + Network of Websites

1. Interactive Search Engine:

- In order for the search engine to display the search results, these must first be covered(purchased) by the beneficiares of that search - network advertising space from Macoway.com. The search engine does not choose the keywords for its advertisers, but instead lets the advertisers pick for themselves. If there is no relevance between the site and the keyword or the set of keywords that has been purchased, the importance rank will be 0. The maximum importance rank is 10. The function that is responsible for this importance rank will be made public on the Macoway.com website.

- In order to make sure you beat the competition on a particular search term or keyword, or a group of keywords, the system offers you a detailed image and analysis of your website. By comparing this analysis with that of other websites submitted in the system, or with other websites, and by looking at the various points differences, you can make any necessary adjustments that will place you ahead of your competitors.

- You interact with the system in a dynamic way, and your changes will be noticed and taken into account, thereby drastically and quicly changing your position on the Importance Rank.

2. Network of Websites:

- This system offers you not just exposure for your website on our search network, but also a profile-like interface of your website. On this profile, you can see important elements of your website , and you can also partner with other websites. Your profile will be automatically optimized to such a degree so that, even if your site is not optimized enough, other search engines will be able to, at least, get to this profile of your site, if not directly to your site.

- Once you are part of the system, and have an account you can partner with other websites that are included in our system as well, you can select the sites that you want to be displayed as partners on your site's profile from within Macoway.com, and also which text ads (Keyword Ads) you want to be displayed on your website.

- Based on your site's popularity and the number of partners you bring to our system network, you get points, and substantial financial rewards.

The criteria for recognition in the Macoway.com system:

1. The first criterion for recognition in our system is the Keyword or the set of Keywords(Keyword$) that is purchased in the system, starting at a price of 1$/character/year. Each website will have a different position or rank within the Macoway system depending on:

a) The moment of purchase (the history of the account)

b) The relevance of the web document (website) to the purchased keyword or set of keywords

c) The amount of money that the website owner is willing to pay in order to be a part of the system

Owning a particular keyword or set of keywords and the popularity of a certain website in the Macoway system depends on the relevance of the site to the purchased keyword(s).

2. The second criterion of recognition in the system is the actual popularity of the website within the Macoway partner websites network and also the site's general popularity on the Internet.

Your advantages as a Macoway.com advertiser:

1. The possibility to own a fixed position on a dynamic search engine rankings for a period of at least 1 year(which results in a massive exposure in search queries).

2. The possibility to partner with many websites and to increase your exposure on the world wide Internet.

3. Extremely low adverising costs, only 1$/character/year, and the opportunity to be a part of a clean hyper-relevant online advertising and information system.

4. Technical support for your website as well as a complete SEO analysis and SEO tips and suggestions for any major search engine on the internet. FREE internal and external (on the Macoway. com partner's websites) Text Ads (Keyword Ads).

5. Hyper- relevance on any particular search query due to the exact match principle that the Macoway.com search engine runs on. The search engine displays only the results for exact match keywords, and not for broad or phrase matched keywords. In other words, we belive in the <> principle: less, but more exact search results will lead to a greater exposure of the MOST RELEVANT AND THEREFORE MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS, which in turn will benefit both the and users and the advertisers of the Macoway System.

You pay for Your position in the search rankings, but You have FREE exposure in Text Ads, without having to pay per click for that!

Thanks for the suport and if you really appreciate the idea, visit the link below:

- and don't forget, Search Results have also a Historical Rank. If you expect your ideas to be payed , pay ideas you consider good for yourself !

Thanks a lot!

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